Dating Straight was a popular queer podcast hosted by Amy Ordman and Jack Dodge from August 2019 until May 2021.

What started off as a passion project soon became another way for Amy to expand her editing, marketing and production skills. Becoming very comfortable and knowledgable about all aspects of podcasting from conception.

Proficient in all aspects of podcast production including camera and microphone setups, interview skills, guest research, editing and uploading, checking statistics on the backend and marketing.

Renowned lesbian Amy is pessimistic when it comes to love, and is a true believer in "nothing lasts forever." Globally recognized gay Jack is as optimistic as they come, believing healthy, long-lasting relationships do exist - he just hasn't found one yet. Here to make you laugh when you're getting over an ex, and keep you in check when you fall in love after the first date, Amy and Jack will always give it to you straight.

Something else about how I can use these skills in jobs…


Brand Collaborations

